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Kitzbühel的最新景點: Bastian’s Bar & Bakery


2019年底, Heiner Kamps 和 他的太太 Ella在Kitzbühel步行區中心 開了一間  Bar & Bakery。 他們稱呼自己為“熱情的烘焙師“ 而這也不單是個口號, 他們的熱情來自於他們採用最好的麵粉, 奶油, 糖, 酵母為烘焙材料。

在新店籌備期間, WACHTEL 搶先他人一步參予了這個計畫。 身為一個優質設備製造商, 夫妻倆不用傷腦筋就決定採用: PICCOLO 層爐,  THERMICO PLUS 旋風爐 以及 COOL RISING® 冷卻系統 。這些設備完全滿足了師傅們的需求。 如果您進入Bar & Bakery, 您會發現這裡的烘焙師傅都很享受他們的工作。 座位區和烘焙室明智的設計理念與漂亮的色彩搭配,,兩者間完美和諧的融合在一起!

Bastian’s 並非大型生產工廠,每一條吐司的製做都講究細節。這是他們所堅持的原則,只有這樣 Bastian's 才能確保他們的產品擁有最好的品質。當你咬下第一口新鮮的麵包, 不論是酥脆的可頌或是精美的蛋糕, 每一口都能享受到不同的雀躍。 我們親自嘗試了之後想告訴你:小心吃上癮喔!

At the end of 2019, Heiner Kamps and his wife Ella opened the Bar & Bakery at the centre of the pedestrian zone in Kitzbühel. They call themselves “passionate bakers”. And that is more than just a slogan. Flour, butter, sugar,  yeast and only the best ingredients.

When planning the new shop, WACHTEL was quickly involved as well. As manufacturers of premium quality products, the decision was easy for the married couple: The PICCOLO electric deck oven, the THERMICO PLUS electric convection oven and the COOL RISING® system have made their bakers more than happy. If you enter the bar & bakery you can alreadynotice they enjov their work. The clever concept, the nice colourdesign, the lounge area and the bakery all melt together harmoniously.

Bastian’s is the opposite of industrial mass production. Each loaf of bread receives the attention it deserves. 

And this is a matter of principle. Because only this way can Bastian's ensure the high-quality.

As soon as someone takes the first bite of the fresh bread, the crispy croissants or the exquisite gateaus, you can feel the excitement.

We were allowed to try for ourselves and can really say: Be careful – highly addictive!

@2019 Wachtel china 上海瓦赫国际贸易有限公司